Monday, November 30th, marks the second major milestone in our project journey. The community shop will relocate from the ‘shop in a box’ at the Village Hall to its new home in the Royal Oak during the weekend. Final preparations are underway, and stock is already being moved. With the shelves now fitted and completion of renovation work it is difficult not to be impressed by the new location
None of this would have been possible, without the energy and dedication of a large band of volunteers. The Management Committee wishes to express their heartfelt thanks to all of those who have made, in many small and not so small ways, a major contribution to our progress.
So, this is it! The shop owned by the community is now available for the community in the building purchased by the community. We hope that you will take advantage of the range of goods available and if there are comments or ideas that you wish to contribute do not hesitate to tell us. Jo and Carolyn who have both been crucial to our success so far, will both be there to welcome customers on Monday morning. Any customer spending more than £5 on the first day of opening can claim a free Christmas raffle ticket (worth £1).for each £5 spent.
There will be events in the period leading up to Christmas so look out for what is happening. Furthermore, if you wish to order your Christmas Fayre this can be arranged through the shop. The details and order form are attached. All goods are locally sourced so while this may not compare with supermarket prices your pound spent here is local contribution.
It was our plan to open the cafe/coffee shop at the same time as the shop, but due to the current restrictions this is obviously not possible. Furthermore, this has also prevented face to face training for Jo and Carolyn as our in-house Baristas, so unfortunately until this happens, we cannot serve hot drinks. We will endeavour to minimise this delay.
Finally, if this is the second milestone you may well ask what are the others? Next will be the opening of the Pub for food and drink in the second half of Q1, then finally full use of the building as a community asset around the middle of next year. See you there!