There is a vacancy for another new member on the Parish Council. Provided that one or more eligible candidates submit application forms by 1st March, the PC hopes to co-opt the new member at their next meeting on 8th March.
Being on the Parish Council can be a fascinating and rewarding experience that throws a light on many aspects of village life and gives you a say on what goes on. There are nine members and meetings are monthly at the village hall. Previous agendas and minutes can be read on the PC Documents page of this site to give you a flavour of what is discussed. If you would like to know more please contact the Clerk (Kelly de Silva,, 07701 053903) or the Chair (Graham Gleed,, 01823 490407). The application form can be downloaded here.
We aim to keep the PC as representative as possible, so if you have something to offer that is significantly different from the current members, that would be especially welcome!