The October PC meeting considered several low-key applications, the most significant of these were prior approval to convert two small agricultural building at Huntham Farm to residential accommodation. The PC supported these applications. The PC offered no comment on the slightly more contentious application to change the wording of the holiday let condition at Higher House Farm, Huntham.
It was noted that a new access has been created to The Cottage, Meare Green following rebuilding. This is contradictory to the refusal of a planning application for the land adjacent to Leeswood where permission to build was refused because of the hazard of exiting onto Meare Green Road.
During September, the PC followed up on the complaint in the September meeting of irritating and unpleasant smells. Following a communication to Wessex Water a reply received from them acknowledged a problem which has now been corrected. Co-incidentally it has been observed that the nuisance has significantly decreased. As a further follow-up a short comment form has been produced which will be available on the village website and in the shop so that future occurrences can be more formally noted.
During the planning application visits prior to the meeting, the opportunity was taken to visit the new pavilion, which is being constructed by the developer of the houses in Willey Road. It is an impressive building and something that the village can be proud of. It will provide a springboard for the organisation of many activities which for years have been inhibited by the state of the existing structure. At the PC meeting it was agreed that some of the funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which are due to the PC would be allocated to support the whole project which includes a new access and parking, improved services and an equipment store.
As many of you will have observed work has started on preparation for the new housing development. It is the intention to prepare the site by putting in services and roads prior to Christmas, so that building can start in the New Year.
For Rural broadband CDS has announced it had cancelled the contract with Gigaclear. RBS need at least 10 customers to make supplying a mast at Meare Green viable. Anyone interested in taking advantage of this offer should contact Nick Sloan.
Finally, consideration is being given to installing an electric car charging point in the village. This is at a very early stage with information being sought on how and at what cost, but with grant funding currently available it is felt that this does merit serious consideration.