In keeping with guidance, the PC has met for the last two months using the Zoom platform. While there was some uncertainty with the initial use of this technology, contributors are now more familiar, and meetings have been reasonably effective. To date no members of the of the public have contributed to the traditional open session at the start of the meeting, but comments and questions have been submitted and the responses minuted.
One such question at the June meeting asked whether the PC should be approving planning applications which use fossil fuels as a source of energy. In response the PC stated that it fully supports the move away from fossil fuels but it is not possible to determine at the time of the application what source of energy will be used. It was felt that this is more a matter for building control when the relevant regulations are enacted.
It has been a quiet period for planning applications, however after the meeting conditional approval was received for the change of use of the Royal Oak to accommodate the village shop.
The annual financial report has been completed and all aspects of financial control were found to be in good order. The financial report will be published on the village web site and will be available from July 1st.
The meeting was given an update of the Covid situation in Somerset by David Fothergill. We are fortunate to be living in an area where to date there are a relatively low number of cases. Despite this we should remain vigilant and comply with government guidance. A question was asked about the provision of school buses and social distancing. At the time of the meeting it was estimated that there would need to be 3-4 times more school buses if social distancing rules are maintained. Staying with the subject of buses the policy for the No. 51 bus is as follows. Each bus is allocated a specific driver. The bus driver may only allow 5-8 passengers on board (wearing masks), depending on the size of the bus, with all expected to adhere to the 2m rule, including couples, by occupying only designated seats.
The subject of the naming of the development in Willey Road was discussed. Only one other suggestion was received other than the proposed Wells Hay. The PC agreed that Wells Hay was the more appropriate option.
Finally, in the section of the agenda for standing items it was agreed that a section to report on environmental issues/Climate Change Athelney would replace the Allotment item. Any allotment issues will still be included in this section.