First some excellent news: we have been successful in our application for a grant from Valencia Communities Fund for nearly £16,000 to upgrade our kitchen with new more efficient equipment, including a combi-oven and an induction hob which will be an important step towards becoming gas-free. We hope to start installing the new kit in August. We are extremely grateful to VCF, to whom we will be applying for a second grant in July to help us embark on the long-awaited Phase 3.
The refurbishment of the Oak started in two phases, shop conversion and pub rejig being Phases 1 & 2. Plans for a Phase 3, to rationalise the layout, move the stockroom closer to the shop, complete the accessibility programme and provide extra dining space were first mooted over two years ago. These plans have since been updated several times and new plans on much more radical lines were recently proposed by Jason Keswick and Tom Hartley of re:DSGN.
The prospect of a large grant from Valencia which may not be available after August has sharpened focus, and following a meeting on 13 June where all the options were considered, the MC decided to adopt a hybrid plan as a basis for a grant application to embark on Phase 3. Full details of this discussion, together with downloads of the plans discussed, can be read in the minutes of the 13 June meeting.
The plan that will form the basis of the grant application can be seen below. Details will almost certainly change*, and comments and suggestions (to Nick Sloan) will be welcomed. If the second grant is forthcoming, it is hoped to complete the work in three stages. It is likely that the next grant will only cover the ground floor work.
*Plans did change! See the 2 page PDF below which shows the currently proposed two stages of Phase 3 for which we are seeking funding. Depending on the quotes we receive for the work we may be able to add improving function room access, in which case this page will be updated again.