Stoke St Gregory C of E Primary School Needs YOU!
This is an assembly for our children, our families and our wider community. Can you help us? 
I’m Dawn Baker, Head Teacher of our school, and I’m new around here. It is already clear to me that our community can be a powerful force for good if we pull together. In a COVID climate where we are all finding our way, can we look on the good, see what is right, seek out what is excellent and highlight what can be praised? I think we can. Watch the video assembly and send us your positive contributions for a whole community project which will be created and then shared with you. 
For those who attend our school, send your ‘positives’ to your teachers by email. For members of the community please send your contributions by the 12.2.2021 to Angela at:
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
In advance, on behalf of our school – THANK YOU!