A big thank you to the 50 or so people who turned up at the Open Day to discuss the plans and exchange ideas. All of the suggestions, large and small, some relating to the Phase 3 plans and some not, have been collated and referred back to the Management Committee. They will be taken fully into account before the final decisions are taken and work is commissioned.

I am delighted to be able to announce that we have been generously awarded £45,911 by Valencia Communities Fund to fund Phase 3 of the refurbishment of the Royal Oak. We will be holding an open day at the Oak on Saturday 16 December to show the proposed plans to HOTV Members and customers, to discuss the options and to receive comments and suggestions.

Phase 3 was always part of the plan, to complete our accessibility programme, extend the eating area and make more sense of the rather curious building we have all inherited. Plans were first published in autumn 2021 and were displayed in the pub for 18 months with a commentary and an invitation for comments. They have evolved over the years in response to feedback. In July 2023 The Management Committee provisionally approved the version on which the grant application was based, this was published on the website and again comments were invited.

The plan then submitted was recently refined slightly to reconfigure the new toilets in such a way as to avoid having to narrow the skittle alley and further refinements are likely to take place. It should be borne in mind however that the grant is dependent on the overall disposition of spaces remaining as per the plan that VCF agreed to fund. Within this constraint we are open to feedback and potential adaptations, which is why we are holding the open day. (See plan below—scroll to reveal phases A and B.)

The pub and shop will both be open from 10 till 4. Copies of the plans will be available to consult and members of the MC will be available to talk through any issues and answer questions. We look forward to meeting you there to discuss the next phase in this heartening village success story.

Comments may be submitted in the meantime to Nick Sloan.
(You may want to read ther Phase 3 FAQs before commenting.)